Calling me back to you.
I can feel you whisper to me,
Whisper to me in my ear.
You are desperate for me,
Show me that you are near!
Every day it gets more clear,
Why I am here.
Desperate for you,
Hoping you will come,
And meet me here.
He's Alive!
A stirring in my spirit,
That brings me to joyful tears.
A shift in my world,
That brings me to my knees.
A change that happens,
Because of a sacrifice,
That was made.
A voice that calls your name,
Calls you to choose life,
Over death.
Because of a choice that was already made,
It has already been established.
Define me.
Overwhelm me.
Consume me.
A connection that can only be felt through the Hold Spirit.
A connection that depends on a daily renewal of the mind.
Who are we to take control?
Let's do it His way instead...
A destiny.
A plan.
A purpose.
A promise.
An unending life...
A decision...
Your grace is sufficient for me!
Lose your life, so that you can find it.
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it too, honey.
You are a beautiful, phenomenal woman.
I vote that Melissa writes more.
All in favor say "Aye"
write more please :)
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